In my previous report, I worked on adding consistency to the visuals as well as providing more options for eyes for my second Freshly Squeezed Entertainment project called Clown Alley Creator, a creativity tool about creating your own fun clowns.
There’s still a lot of polishing to do, but I wanted to focus on getting an Android port ready for playtesters.
Sprints 2024-20: Android port for play testing
- Create eye options
- Create Android/iOS/Windows icons
I added some more eye options, thanks to some code I added to take advantage of SDL2’s ability to render sprites flipped, something my code has never had a need to do before. Instead of having left and right eyes that are identical, they are now mirrored, which means I can show eyes that are slanted or that have eyelashes streaked in one direction.
As I head into the final week of March, I’m focused on getting the game ready for playtesters, and the easiest way is to make sure that the Android port functions.
Which means it was time to work on an app icon. I came up with a few options, and I asked a few people for feedback.
And I ultimately went with this one:
My wife says that the colors are inadvertently creepy, and I am very much trying to avoid the ability to make creepy clowns. So what this told me was that I needed to add a wider variety of colors.
Building the Android version worked just fine, thanks to me creating automated build scripts for previous projects. I found, however, that there was no music and almost no sound effects, which probably means that I forgot to include them in the final Android build and it should be an easy fix for this week.
I expect to have the first Android build available for testers in the coming week.
Thanks for reading, and stay curious!
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