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LD#14: Shower, Lunch, and Seven Hours Left

I had a good night’s sleep, got some coding in, and have decided on a plan of attack that should result in a completed game. But I have less than 7 hours left. It’s going to be tight.

First, I moved the laptop from the living room to my office. I had to clear a place for it on my desk, which meant moving papers and books to the coffee table in the living room, but what’s the point of having a dedicated work space if I don’t use it? It will be a lot easier to focus just by knowing I’m in a place to do just that.

Second, I showered. It’s almost subconscious, but knowing in the back of my mind that I hadn’t done so today is distracting.

Third, I had lunch:

Peanut butter and Nutella sandwich

That’s an awesome-tastic peanut butter and Nutella sandwich that I washed down with apple juice. Note the shout out to all LDers, everywhere, especially those who are essentially making an entire game in the last 7 hours of the competition. This sandwich was for you.

So, I’m clean, I’m full, and I’m in an environment conducive to hardcore concentration and hacking.

Now imagine I put on shades when I say, “Let’s do this” in as bad-ass a way as possible.

Let’s do this.

One reply on “LD#14: Shower, Lunch, and Seven Hours Left”

Will you succeed!??! I haven’t done an LD48 is so long :(. For LD15 I just need to dedicate myself to building something and block out any weekend distractions.

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