Geek / Technical Personal Development

Come See Me Speak at dsmAgile on September 28th

dsmAgile is a one day Agile conference in Des Moines, Iowa, and I’ll be presenting at it this year.

On Friday, September 28, 2018 from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, you can discuss, discover, and learn more about Agile software development from people who have been practicing and living it. And it only costs $100, a great deal.

My presentation is called “You’re Not a Code Monkey, So Stop Acting Like One!” You can read more about in the dsmAgile session descriptions, but the main idea is that software developers can and should do more than write code.

You are responsible for not only creating value through technology but also for maintaining that capability, and you don’t get to pretend that “they won’t let me” is a valid excuse.

Merely slinging code is not enough. You are not a code monkey following orders. You are a first-class citizen in the organization, more than capable of driving value as well as delivering it. Let’s discuss how you (and your organization) can start acting like it.

I have enjoyed attending dsmAgile in the last few years, and I look forward to being part it. Will I see you there?