Marketing/Business Personal Development

Video of My Talk On The Importance of Purpose, Mission, and Vision

NOTE: I presented an updated version of this talk on April 18th, 2017: Get Energized and Stay Motivated with Slides from my April 18th IGDA Des Moines Presentation.

On May 29th, I gave a lunch and learn presentation at StartupCity Des Moines titled Playing the Long Game: The Vital Importance of Purpose, Mission, and Vision to Your Business.

It was a post mortem of sorts. I’m running this business part-time as I have a day job again, but I ran GBGames as a full-time independent game developer from 2010 to 2012…poorly. There were some major lessons I learned about running a business, and the idea was that by sharing the cautionary tale of GBGames, other business owners could benefit from my experience.

If you couldn’t make it to my presentation, don’t worry! There’s a recording uploaded at Awwwww, it’s no longer up and the video has been lost. B-(

Trust me, though, it was awesome.

I also uploaded the slides with notes in a few formats:

The presentation itself is about 35 minutes long, and then there was some quality question-and-answer time with the audience. The energy I got talking about the impact I wanted to have in the world really brings home the point I was making about the importance and benefits of having a clear purpose, mission, and vision.

It was a great experience, and my talk was well-received. I hope you get some value out of it.

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