While a number of people will be writing their coming blog posts from the Game Developers Conference, I will be reporting the action from Chicago. Again.
I would love to see Will Wright talk about what’s next in game design, but I’ll have to be content with seeing it on GDCTV when they release it later in the year. It would also be great to be there when they announce the winners of the Independent Games Festival, but I’ll just have to read about it at Game Tunnel.
Since I’m not going, I can treat this week as any other. I’ll work on game development and might get more accomplished since I won’t have as many blogs to distract me. B-) Since the GDC is generally about sharing what we know, this week I’ll try to post about what I have been doing with game development and design.
To everyone at the GDC, have fun, and good luck to the IGF finalists! My favorites for the Seumas McNally Grand Prize are Professor Fizzwizzle, Darwinia, and Weird Worlds, but I haven’t played Dofus or Wildlife Tycoon: Venture Africa yet.
2 replies on “Not at the GDC Again”
I’ve now NOT been at GDC for more years than I went to GDC (1995-1999). But I’m hoping to make the IGC conference in October this year.
But it’s okay. Next week I’m going to Disneyland with the family, which is going to be a great trip.
Have fun at Disneyland!