
Fool the Game Press

It’s long, but don’t let that fact turn you off. Read How To Use And Abuse The Gaming Press And How The Gaming Press Wants To Use and Abuse You to get not only good tips on how to get better press coverage for your game but also to read some interesting anecdotes about Introversion Software, Peter Molyneux, and what it is like to work in the gaming press.

From my own experience working as a reviewer for Game Tunnel, I have to say that I was always impressed by companies that sent out packages, complete with press releases and hint guides. While most companies only offer a download option, receiving actual, physical mail was always cooler. I don’t usually get packages unless I order something, so receiving big packages filled with the latest gaming goodness always stood out for me. Of course, I’m not a member of a major game magazine who may receive lots of mail and think it is old hat. Still, sending your game means that it has a chance of getting covered. Why reduce your chances to 0% by not sending it at all?